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Ostani Egidio Francesco...
- Pittore & Mosaicista | Tecniche usate: olio a spatola, olio su tele sabbiate, mosaici in tessere di vetro, smalti, marmi e pietre. Painter & Mosaicist | Techniques: oil, spatula, oil on canvas with sand, glass mosaics, enamels, marbles and stones....
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- Oberholster Evan...
- Evan Oberholster's art exhibitions of male and female nudes. The work of this contemporary South African artist is shown in three galleries....
- Ochs Joel...
- Découvrez les plus belles peintures à l'huile réalistes de l'artiste joël Ochs. Paysages, natures mortes, marines et copies vous attendent. Discover the fine realist oil paintings from the french artist painter joël Ochs : landscapes, copies, still life and seascapes....
- O'Connell Gerald...
- Online art gallery featuring work by Gerald O'Connell in a wide variety of traditional and experimental media....
- Okamoto-Ong Angie...
- Award winning realistic artwork - western themes, wildlife, and military dramas rendered in oil or pencil pastel....
- Onica Stelian...
- oil painting reproductions after old masters, oil portrait painting...
- O'Reilly Hunter...
- O'Reilly reinterprets science as art with her abstractions and installations shown internationally....
- Osborne Irene...
- Western Australian Artist Irene Osborne welcomes you to ARTS 2 U and invites you to explore her fine arts. Original paintings, unique Australian landscapes, portraits, mining and resources art....
- Ostani Egidio Francesco...
- Pittore & Mosaicista | Tecniche usate: olio a spatola, olio su tele sabbiate, mosaici in tessere di vetro, smalti, marmi e pietre. Painter & Mosaicist | Techniques: oil, spatula, oil on canvas with sand, glass mosaics, enamels, marbles and stones....
- Otto Bert...
- Bert Otto - Art of Holland Nederlands deze site is onderdeel van de exto.nl community van online kunstenaars galeries (log in) BERT OTTO art of bert otto about the artist guestbook contact exposities...
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