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Kohli Frederik...
- Original lighthouse art, custom painted by Frederic Kohli - Featuring lighthouses of the Coasts and Lakes of the United States and Canada...
Lanthier Yves...
- Hand painted Trompe L'oeil, murals and paintings created to fool the eye. Hand painted on site or canvas. Newbook released, The Art Of TROMPE L'OEIL Murals, capture the magic of Trompe L'Oeil!...
Large David H....
- (406) 293-2295 WELCOME TO OUR MARINE ART STUDIO Update October 8, 2004 David H. Large, an Official U. S. Coast Guard Artist, retired Tuna Boat Captain, a signature member of the International Society...
Larson Mark...
- Innovative and compelling paintings that combine wildlife and architecture with imaginative symbolism to create artwork that celebrates the beauty inherent in nature, light, and classical forms....
Other important links.
- Karayiannis Vivian...
- Fine art gallery of icons of Mary, Pieta, Christ,BYZANTINE-GREEK ICONS for sale, RUSSIAN STYLE ICONS for sale,art instruction,icon painting classes,original oil paintings for sale including a variability of themes like landscape paintings for sale, abstract paintings, Byzantine ,Russian religious icons, LITURGICAL ART BY ICONOGRAPHER Vivian Karayiannis...
- Kern Susan...
- Susan Kern - Original miniature oil paintings on ivorine. Online gallery of fine art portraits, nature, and landscapes....
- Knight Mike...
- An art gallery displaying paintings and prints by Mike Knight....
- Knowles Jordan Susan...
- Gallery of wildlife art and fine art in acrylics and oils by Maine painter Susan Knowles Jordan...
- Kohli Frederik...
- Original lighthouse art, custom painted by Frederic Kohli - Featuring lighthouses of the Coasts and Lakes of the United States and Canada...
- Komarov Vitali...
- Oil paintings for sale. Visit the impressionist original oil paintings for sale from Russian painter Vitali Komarov: impressionist artist offers oil on canvas paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh including oil landscapes, still lifes with flowers and fruits, and portraits. Discover and buy oil paintings....
- Kostyal Andrea...
- Abstract expressionistic oil and acrylic collage paintings, nudes and still lifes....
- Kruijt Marjolein...
- Mystieke Engelse natuurschilderijen, muurschilderingen in opdracht, aquarellen, tekeningen, portretten, dierportretten en werk in opdracht. On Celtic music inspired oilpaintings, using the English nature as a subject. Mystic nature in its timelessness. Also murals, animalportraits, portraits, lithography, photography, watercolors, drawings, commissions and online orderform....
- Kurovska Lena...
- Contemporary impressionist artist Lena Kurovska: impressionist artist offer oil landscapes, still life paintings with flowers, fine art nude paintings and portraits....
- LaChance Elizabeth...
- Gallery Art Paintings features original investment quality paintings by acclaimed American abstract impressionist Elizabeth G. LaChance. Colorful Florals, Landscapes and Abstracts at affordable on-line prices....
- Laframboise Angi...
- Pastel, oil, and acrylic pet portraits, pastel-enhanced photo prints, original fine art, limited edition prints, dog cartoons, t-shirts, mugs, leash racks, fine art tiles, and other gifts....
- LaGuire Gaye Lynne...
- Specializing in portraits in oil and watercolor, paintings of exquisite beauty and realism. In addition to child portraits, Gaye Lynne will be displaying landscape paintings and other works. Experience Gaye Lynne's portrait work throughout her 37 years as a painter....
- Langford-Stansbery Sherry...
- Stansbery's main goal is to express the beauty of wildlife in the most exacting images from the nature which surrounds her....
- Lanthier Yves...
- Hand painted Trompe L'oeil, murals and paintings created to fool the eye. Hand painted on site or canvas. Newbook released, The Art Of TROMPE L'OEIL Murals, capture the magic of Trompe L'Oeil!...
- Lapalme Gisèle...
- Artiste peintre canadienne. Galerie d'art composée d'aquarelles et de peintures à l'huile." ...
- Lapayese Ramon...
- La obra expresionista del pintor y escultor Ramón Lapayese. Galerías de fotos, críticas de exposiciones, bibliografía, obra en venta. Web en español e inglés....
- Large David H....
- (406) 293-2295 WELCOME TO OUR MARINE ART STUDIO Update October 8, 2004 David H. Large, an Official U. S. Coast Guard Artist, retired Tuna Boat Captain, a signature member of the International Society...
- Larson Mark...
- Innovative and compelling paintings that combine wildlife and architecture with imaginative symbolism to create artwork that celebrates the beauty inherent in nature, light, and classical forms....
- Lasoff Michael...
- A selection of acrylic paintings of contemporary artist, Michael Lasoff. His unique style in art combines figurative and abstract elements....
- Latham Karen, Rebecca, and Bonnie...
- Realistic wildlife art, nature paintings, art prints, and licensing by a family of award winning artists Karen, Rebecca, and Bonnie Latham. Visit our wildlife & nature web galleries and online artist studios. Original watercolors, miniature paintings, small works, giclee art prints, licensing, & more!...
- Launius Barry...
- Tropical theme watercolor and acrylic paintings featuring original works and some prints, commissions, wall murals and shadowboxes. Credit cards accepted. Palm tress and white sand beaches everywhere....
- Leah Michel AKA The Raw Artist ...
- The official web site of The Raw Artist™: Self-taught outsider artist...
- Lee Helen...
- Impressionism in Watercolor American Impressionism in Watercolors...
- Lini Arturo...
- Mappa del Sito BIOGRAFIA: Biografia e Curriculum PITTURA: Galleria dei Dipinti POESIA VISIVA: Galleria delle opere di Poesia Visiva POESIA: Poesie scritte ESIBIZIONI: Una esibizione multimediale SERV...
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