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Engelen Leon...
- Visit the art of Leon Engelen: photographically detailed landscape and animal oil paintings....
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- Eldredge Jeff...
- This award winning maritime artist renders masterful oil paintings of 19th century sailing vessels....
- Ellington Stewart Lane...
- Hi! My name is Stew Ellington and I am an artist - painter. Please check out my art! Take a tour, buy some art, a painting!...
- Engelen Leon...
- Visit the art of Leon Engelen: photographically detailed landscape and animal oil paintings....
- English Christopher...
- Art of Christopher English Contemporary modern Symbolist Artist Visit also my second web site http: www.englishsymbolistart.com I show the symbolic images in my paintings as a complement to the imag...
- Ernst Lisa...
- Still Life Paintings by Lisa Ernst. These paintings explore the intricate patterns made by a cluster of azalea blooms, the play of light on rose petals, shadows falling on calla lilies. I often cover my entire canvas with large, detailed images of flowers or fruit to convey a sense of intimacy to the viewer....
- Fielding Hal...
- Abstract nonobjective art using acrylic paint on canvas and paper by Fine Art Painter Hal Fielding in Santa Fe, New Mexico...
- Fink Cassandra...
- Multi-media artist Cassandra Fink's website features her three poetry music cd's, a humorous cat book, and fine art galleries featuring not only the vivid rich hues of her paintings, but gorgeous wearable sculpture in precious metals and gemstones. Selected auditory versions of art from the Galleries can be heard on the CD's. All work on the site is available for purchase....
- Fitzpatrick Lorraine...
- [ Home ] [ Guest Book ] [ Links ] [ Customer Service ] [ Internet Explorer Channel ] [ Landscapes ] [ Seascapes ] [ Florals ] [ Still Life ] [ Biography ] Lorraine Fitzpatrick, Artist In this website...
- Flanagan Thea...
- Portraying the infinite patterns of Maine landscapes, coastal seascapes and wildlife in acrylics and oils....
- Flanagan Tim...
- Through the use of acrylic, oil and watercolor Tim creates intense imagery by layering color, producing extreme depths in his Maine landscape and coastal sunset paintings....
- Fletcher Sue...
- Portrait Artist, Art That Celebrates Life Heirloom gift ideas, portrait art by Lubbock, TX portrait artist Sue Fletcher. E-mail Artist_Sue_Fletcher@Hotmail.com or call 806-795-9232 Scroll down to se...
- Fraser Amy E....
- Amy E. Fraser's galleries display surrealist paintings of the female form experience, nudes, figure paintings, fine art photography, abstract uterus imagery, pen + ink drawing. Depicting modern womanhood from a feminist womanist humanist perspective ...
- Frechette Louise...
- Maine art gallery featuring the pastel and oil paintings of seascapes by Kennebunkport artist Louise A. Frechette....
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