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Cascella Giuseppe...
- Il sito ufficiale del Maestro Cascella. Realizza con passione e devozione il Presepio Salernitano di grande suggestione. Nel sito sono esposti numerosi sui dipinti e opere di presepi....
Cavalli Mirko...
- Abstract paintings,abstract expressionism,sculpture,by Fine Art Painter Mirko Cavalli.Abstract art.For sale oil,acrylic paintings,sculpture....
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- Cabello Josè Javier...
- José Javier Cabello Galería Virtual Pintura Óleo Acrílico Acuarela Pastel Links sobre Arte Artistas...
- Cannon McCluskey Rebecca...
- Predatory wildlife art, wolves, mountain lions, birds of prey, pets, people, seascapes.Chalk, charcoal, India ink, watercolor, acrylic, colored pencil.Limited edition fine art, hand drawn, photo realism, lithograph prints, signed and numbered by Rebecca Cannon McCluskey - Limited edition fine art, Wildlife Art, Pets, People, and Seascape fine art prints....
- Cardenas Jason...
- Fine Art, Oil Painting, Abstract Art, Artist....
- Carpenter Douglas...
- Paintings of famous Impressionist art: Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh. Romantic artist Turner and silhouette history. Douglas and Brenda Carpenter pictures...
- Carr Natasha...
- Cascella Giuseppe...
- Il sito ufficiale del Maestro Cascella. Realizza con passione e devozione il Presepio Salernitano di grande suggestione. Nel sito sono esposti numerosi sui dipinti e opere di presepi....
- Caughey Katherine...
- KC Gallery Featuring "Western Art, Wildlife Paintings, Animal Sculptures, Graphic Design" All Created by Katherine Caughey kcgallery.net Western and Wildlife Artist ...
- Cavalli Mirko...
- Abstract paintings,abstract expressionism,sculpture,by Fine Art Painter Mirko Cavalli.Abstract art.For sale oil,acrylic paintings,sculpture....
- Cerro Lynne...
- webmaster: Alma Technology Group ...
- Chávez-Méndez Ricardo...
- Please download Java(tm). Click here to vote for our site!! Contact Information Postal Address: 20 First Plaza Bldg., Galeria, Suite 73 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 Telephone: (505) 243-1599 Fax: ...
- Child Bob...
- Bob Child western & wildlife art freaturing paintings in watercolor, acrylic, and pen and ink. Original paintings and prints....
- Chubar Alexander...
- PAINTINGS Figures Still Lifes EroticMIXED MEDIA InteriorsSerigraphs and cut-outsFiguresDRAWINGSFiguresInteriorsEroticE-mail Resume StatementEssay AwardsLinksWebringsTo view more of my art works go to...
- Chui Janet...
- You've reached deadfaeries.com, web site and fantasy art gallery of Janet J.E. Chui ENTER HERE (or here for Mozilla or Mac users) Voting and Directory Links Webrings This site is a member of ...
- Claes Gail...
- Distinguished New England art studio Gail Claes offers many oil paintings of seascapes, beaches, children and more. ...
- Clear Deanna...
- Paintings & Prints by Deanna Clear Christmas Cards & Other Greeting Cards (Cards may be framed as small prints.) Gallery 1: Many Subjects - Oil on Linen Gallery 2: Latest Paintin...
- Cohen R. N....
- Art Gallery featuring this fine watercolor artist and his limited edition prints of Maine and New England life....
- Collins James...
- Introduction, description of painting mediums, paintings of dogs, pets and landscapes, photo of the artist and prices...
- Cooper Katz Dottie...
- Fine art gallery featuring mixed-media originals and prints that are rich in colors, textures, ink, collage, acrylics and watercolors....
- Correa Federico...
- Contemporary oil paintings and drawings by a California-born Chicano artist. Rooted in expressionism, the work is firgurative .The art is intimate, personal and sexually charged with religious overtones. Medium includes oil, acrylic, charcoal, pastel and mixed-media. ...
- Cota Vincenzo...
- pittore, pittura, olio, tela, acrilico, acrilici, painter, painting, paintings, acrilyc, acrilycs, oil, canvas, oil on canvas, acrilycs on canvas, cota, vincenzo, vincenzo cota, roberto cota, cota roberto, ccbc, teseo, bari, puglia, pittore italiano, arte, pittura, cultura, colori acrilici, tempera, pittura ad olio, catalogo d'arte, mostra d'arte, italia, arte italiana, pittore italiano, colori, natura morta, ritratto, figura, illustrazione, acquerello, pastello, penna, matita, tela, carta, cartoncino, carboncino, galleria d'arte, artisti, pennello, tavolozza, moma, pompidu, guggenheim, astrattismo, figurativo, arte moderna, art, painting, culture, colors acrylic, moderate, painting to oil, catalogue of art, extension of art, Italy, Italian art, Italian painter, colors, died nature, figure, illustration, watercolor, pastel, pen, matita, burlap, paper, cartoncino, carboncino, gallery of art, artists, paint-brush, tavolozza, abstractionism, figurative, modern art...
- Crawford Eban...
- The official site of Artist Eban Crawford. Home About Eban Artist Statement Paintings Auctions Contact Eban and Guestbook Price List Links Video of the day.... Tori Amos, A Sort of Fairytale.....
- Crosby Hugh...
- Art Reproductions from original watercolours by Prince Edward Island artist Hugh Crosby, open and limited edition prints, art prints for sale, to decorate your home or office, reproductions...
- Crudo Albert...
- The official website of New York artist Albert Crudo...
- Curtis Gary...
- Artist Gary Curtis Watercolors Classic Dutch style still life paintings created in transparent watercolor. Giclee Prints, Original Gallery, Biography, and Newsletter. Watercolor art is a medium I find best captures the translucence of light and shadow....
- Cushman Abi...
- Online portfolio of Abi Cushman, includes illustrations, fine art, pet portraits, specializing in animal art- wildlife and domestic animals...
- Sorin's Photorealistic Oil Painting Gallery...
- Over 350 exclusive paintings in photorealistic, realistic and impressionistic styles. ART catalogue, purchase & sale of paintings, painting lessons....
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